究極! 夢の”箱庭” 原鉄道模型博物館 A Miniature Dream — The Hara Model Railway Museum

究極! 夢の”箱庭”  原鉄道模型博物館 A Miniature Dream — The Hara Model Railway Museum

中でも圧巻は、一番ゲージ(軌間45mm 1/32スケール)という、重厚かつリアルな鉄道模型のレイアウト。その名も”いちばんテツモパーク”。

A Miniature Dream — The Hara Model Railway Museum
The Hara Model Railway Museum opened in Yokohama Mitsui Building, of the West Ward of Yokohama, in 2012. Here, the high grade model railways collected over many years by the foremost in model collectors Mr. Shintaro Hara (93 years old); absorb the attention of those that visit. The highlight of the collection is a 1 gauge (45mm gauge, 1/32 scale) imposing and real model railway layout. From the electrified lines to the pans: the georama is the pride of the world. Be soaked into this world the model railways create.
